Terms of Use

Before using

This term of use (we refer to as term after this), governs the condition of use of online shopping Charis pro corporation (we refer to as “we” after this)provides on this website. All users who have registered are asked to agree following this term in order to continue using our service. Users are responsible to make sure all the terms written on this website before starting to use our service.
We may update time to time for some circumstances as they occur. We are responsible to let users know the updating by the carrier that we provide. When using our service after any changes are made, users are accepted to agreeing on the new terms.

- Information of usage -

Price of products

The price of products we sell on this website are different up for each product. Please check each page of product.

Purchasing products

After choosing each product on our site, users must provide us mailing address and choose payment method, plus additional necessary information in order to mail products to you correctly, either as a member or as a guest. Putting your choices into the cart is not yet completed, you will receive completion mail from us with your order details; so you are responsible to have settings to receive a mail from us through any devices. In case of necessity to contact you for confirmation , we may use either of mail, telephone or postage service or email.
We are not responsible for any loss or damages by users due to not giving us information we ask, so users need to provide us information in case of that we need to contact you.


We don’t accept any reservation or stock of products, so you must be aware of it.


The days and carrier for shipment can be different from each products and each shipping areas.

Products return and exchange

We do as much as we can to give correct information about our products; however, because of its style of service as online shopping the products you receive may look slightly different from how they appear on our site. If there is such case and customer want to return products, we accept the returns as we receive notice from customer within a week after products are arrived to customers' hand.
To contact us within a week is necessary. By a week from the acceptance notice from us is received by users, those products to return must be shipped to the certain address we request. The cost of shipment is users’ responsibility. We don’t accept any product which are opened or used, or any other forms that are not kept original form.
If you don’t follow the rules stated above, we don’t accept any of returning products. We are not responsible for any such as shortage, unsatisfaction of our products except the cases stated above.

Payment method

<For residents of Japan>
We accept credit card payment

<For residents outside Japan>
Cash transfer only


No cancellation or, change of orders or adding orders after shipping process is completed is accepted. Undeliverable of products due to long period of absence and unsure of mailing address are cancelled by our command. We shall provide the best condition to manage and keep products at the best however it may occur products are unprepared or running out of stock then we may ask to cancel your orders.

Alteration of order

To contact us is necessary when payment method or mailing address need to be changed. We don’t accept change of order after shipping process are already completed. We are not responsible for any business damage or loss due to fails to take action of the process of changing details.

Customers information

Customers’ information we are provided by customers such as private information and details of orders are strictly secure based on our Privacy Policy. Please refer here in details.


As using our service, those conducts stated below are prohibited. We may end the contract between us and customers or refuse serving our services without notice as we carefully judge whether users may be matched to any of those prohibition statement indicated below. Additionally in case of that damages or loss to us carried by such acts stated below happen, we may apply as liability crime or criminal complaint.
1. Using our service by pretending as someone else and giving us untrue information.
2. Purchasing products without purchasing will and repeatedly returning products.
3. To make own profit as business purpose by such as reselling
4. To delay payment obligation or not to let payment obligation be proceeded
5. To refuse to receive products and to return products due to long time absence, and any other interruption of proceeding normal shipment.
6. Any actions of interruption to proceed our operation or to provide our services as normally providing services.
7. To interrupt us or third party’s authority; to be more detail such as trade mark and copyright as intellectual property.
8. Any criminal acts such as fraud, assault, threat, force, violence, and other acts threatening our lives protected by the law.
9. Excessive requests which are much more that we provide.
10. Other actions that we judge to be inappropriate.

Suspension of our service

Any events such as nature disaster, war, terrorism, power outage, communication line problem, and other similar unnoticed events which we are unable to predict, in case of such events we are not responsible for products’ stoppage, shipment, damage and loss.

Terms of law

To interpret these terms are even though governing laws, the laws in japan are applied.

Trade mark

The title of “Current” in this service is our trade mark and have registered in patent office in japan. We don’t allow to use it without our permission. All other trade marks used in this service which we don’t own are the property of each owner.


The owner of contents on our website, mail magazine or manuscript of our magazine delivered from our service, pictures, illustration, moving image, sounds, design and data, are us or who provide us those contents, and also those contents are protected by copyright law.

Exclusion from obligation

1. We are not responsible for compensation of any either direct or indirect damage or loss by customers by providing our products or services. To return products, those products must be shipped to us within a week the products are arrived by the customers. As we exchange with good products, we are not responsible for any further compensation.
2. For reasons that the terms of exclusion of obligation are not applied, except that it is done with our intention or our obvious mistake and also if it is direct cause from us, our compensation is up to the price we are paid by customers, and that is the maximum limit. Customers and we agree with this cost limit.

Case of segregation

In case of some of or a part of these terms become suspended or invalid by consumer contract law or other laws, other parts are continuingly valid.


1. As accusation about our terms is come out, Tokyo district court or Tokyo summary court are the subject of jurisdiction of the court of first instance.
2. Breaking these terms by users such as not paying price for products while using our service, we may ask specialist as lawyer and users are responsible for the cost that we owe to those specialists.