Privacy Poricy

Charis pro corporation (later referred to as we or us) understand private information provided from users as important assets, so we manage them carefully based on the policy stated below also following such rules as laws.

How we handle protecting private information

We regard that it is our fundamental business activity and social responsibility to use and protect private information we are provided from customers.
We do manage customers’ private information at the best we can. We conduct appropriate and reasonable safety measures against such threats as information leakage and illegal access. In addition, to improve the quality of our services we may consign a part or parts of our business management and operation to the other sector. In that case, we make sure they are through managing those private information.
We never disclose such information to third party unless we have admission from customers; however from such requests as legislation, courts, police we may release your private information without permission.

How do we collect private information

We collect private information in such cases as campaign, mail magazine, survey, or sampling.
While we collect private information, it is done with customer’s individual will as our principal rule, and we let you know our use of them openly and its uses are only for the purpose of being fair and proper.

How do we manage private information

While we make use of customers’ private information, we do appropriate management and prepare necessary protection for those information from such risk as illegal access, lost, stealing, destruction, falsification and leakage.
We may consign to handle customers’ private information to third party only as to accomplish the purpose of customers using our services. We consign only the sector who know how to carefully and appropriately handle those information, and we set agreement about handling those information during making contract with them and also supervise them of appropriate management.

The limit of use of private information

All the information we collected from customers are used as careful as we respect for customers’ authority and also used within the purposes we let know or give notice to customers forward except the cases that we have permission from customers or request by legal obligation.

Private information to third party

We don’t disclose customers’ information except for the reasons below.
1. We have permission from customers
2. Request as legal obligation or by legal institutions
3. To provide to third parties only within the purposes of accomplishing customers’ use
4. Legally permitted to provide to third parties

Disclosure and rectification

Such requests about private information from customers as notice about use of them, disclosure, rectification, addition, elimination of private information, suspension and cancellation of private information, and suspension of providing to third parties are conscientiously dealt with by us except the reasons of that there are specified reasons or occasions.

Inquiry and accusation

We sincerely deal with inquiries and accusations about treating customers’ private information.

Modernization and improvement

We appropriately review the treatment of customers’ private information and continuously make improvement in order to set essential protection of those information so that we may modernize our privacy policy without prior notice. However, if we do so, we let customers know on this website.